We take great pride in delivering quality service. SouthWest Water relies on
accurate nd timely meter readings (once a month) to make sure you’re billed
correctly for the water you use.

Our meter readers must have easy access to your meters. Please do not block your meters with shrubs, trees, locked gates, overgrown gardens, or construction work. Animals (e.g., dogs) can also limit our access to a meter.
When we can’t get to your meter, we ask you to remove the obstruction. Should the meter remain blocked despite the notice, we may need to relocate it to an area more convenient for both the customer and our meter readers. Reduce obstacles and obstructions around your water meter to avoid possible meter relocation expenses.

What if my meter is accessible but dirty?
What if my meter is accessible but dirty?
Do you wonder how our member reader can read your meter when there is dirt on top of it? Meters are located in meter boxes that are placed in the ground. As a result, rainwater, dirt, leaves, or other debris can quickly accumulate inside. Our meter readers are used to this, and it is not a hindrance for them. To get a correct reading of your meter, they simply brush away the dirt and wipe the dial clean to see the numbers.